How to Get Started in Cybersecurity: Learning Some Tools & Risks

Are you interested in getting started in the world of cybersecurity? It can seem daunting, but with the right tools, it doesn’t have to be.  

Thanks to the proliferation of online resources, there are plenty of ways to start learning about cybersecurity without spending much money. With these tools and resources, you can learn the basics quickly and easily without breaking the bank.  

This article will explore some of the most valuable, accessible, and paid tools to help get you started in cybersecurity. We will discuss what they can do for you and how you can use them to become a better security professional. We’ll also talk about why using these tools is essential for becoming successful in cybersecurity.  

Cloud Security Monitoring 101: What You Need to Know  

Cloud security monitoring is a process that involves monitoring and analyzing the activity of cloud environments for any potential security risks or threats. It’s essential for keeping your cloud-based data and applications safe and secure.  

Cloud security monitoring tools can be a great way to get started in cybersecurity. Here are some of the most important things you need to know:  

  • Monitoring What Matters: When it comes to cloud security monitoring, monitoring all activities that could potentially threaten your data is essential. This includes any activities such as user access rights changes, authentication attempts, configuration changes, system performance issues, and network traffic.  
  • Security Alerts: Cloud security monitoring tools can also send automated alerts when they detect suspicious activity or potential threats. This allows you to be notified immediately when something goes wrong—which can help you act quickly and minimize any damage that has been done.  
  • Monitoring Real-Time Data: Finally, one of the most essential features of cloud security monitoring is its ability to monitor real-time data. This ensures that any changes or threats are detected immediately and resolved quickly before severe damage is done.  

Penetration Testing Tools to Familiarize Yourself With  

When learning cybersecurity, you must familiarize yourself with the most commonly used tools. Penetration testing is an essential tool for detecting vulnerabilities in a system. It involves using specialized software to attack a system and identify any weak points that might be used in a malicious attack.  

Here are some of the most popular penetration testing tools:  

  • Metasploit: This open-source framework is designed for developing, testing, and executing exploits.  
  • Aircrack-ng: An open-source suite of wireless auditing and packet injection tools.  
  • Wireshark: This open-source network protocol analyzer can detect and analyze suspicious network activity.  
  • Nmap: This open-source security scanner scans networks and identifies hosts, services, vulnerabilities, and other information.  
  • John the Ripper: This famous password cracker uses different modes to detect weak passwords on systems or accounts.  

Familiarizing yourself with these tools is essential to getting started in cybersecurity. Knowing how they work and what they do will help you better understand how to protect your systems from possible threats.  

Vulnerability Assessment: Scanning for Weaknesses  

Vulnerability assessments allow you to spot potential weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors, giving you a proactive way to stay ahead of the curve. Two primary tools are used for vulnerability assessment: scanning and penetration testing.  


Scanning is an automated process that looks for common security vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure. It requires specialized software like Nessus, Core Impact Pro, or QualysGuard. Scanning scans your network and devices for known vulnerabilities but can’t detect unknown ones.  

Penetration Testing  

Penetration testing goes a step further than scanning and actively attempts to exploit any vulnerabilities it discovers by imitating the methods of malicious attackers. A specialized security practitioner usually performs penetration testing and requires special tools such as Metasploit or Core Impact Pro. The results of penetration tests are used to develop strategies for improving your cybersecurity posture.  

Managed Security Services: Outsourcing Cybersecurity  

Managed security services (MSS) is an effective and cost-efficient way to get the specialized skills and expertise necessary to protect your business from cyber threats. MSS is a managed service provider – a third party that outsources cybersecurity services in incident response, risk management, threat intelligence, system maintenance, and more.  

Organizations can reduce their workload regarding on-site staff and resources by choosing MSS. This makes MSS an excellent choice for companies looking to start their journey into cybersecurity quickly but need more time or resources to develop an in-house team.  

MSS capabilities range from basic preventative measures like data backup and malware prevention to advanced monitoring of networks and systems for potential threats. Additional benefits include access to specialist knowledge from the provider’s personnel, improved flexibility during cyber events, and scalability according to technology or company size changes.  

Finally, ensuring that your cybersecurity strategy aligns with industry standards is necessary. Partnering with an experienced MSS provider ensures your organization meets HIPAA and PCI DSS compliance regulations.  

Advanced Threat Detection: Spotting Sophisticated Attacks  

If you are serious about cybersecurity, learning about advanced threat detection capabilities is essential. Attackers regularly use sophisticated methods to hack into your networks and systems, so you’ll need up-to-date tools to detect any malicious activity.  

Some of the most popular advanced threat detection tools include:  

Intrusion Detection System (IDS)  

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) monitors computer networks for suspicious activity and can be used to detect potential intrusions. It compares network traffic to known attack signatures, keeps an audit log of traffic, and can alert security administrators when a suspicious activity has been identified.  

Network Behavior Analysis (NBA)  

Network Behavior Analysis (NBA) is another tool for spotting sophisticated attacks. It monitors network traffic on both computers and servers, looking for unusual patterns or behaviors that suggest hackers use encrypted communications or malicious software to steal data or disrupt operations. For additional protection, NBA is often combined with other security tools, such as firewalls and antivirus software.  

By incorporating these advanced threat detection tools into your cybersecurity strategy, you’ll know that potential threats will be thoroughly monitored and addressed on time.  

Incident Response Planning: Preparing for the Inevitable  

Incident response planning is the process of preparing for a computer security incident and knowing how to respond in the event when it happens. It’s an essential part of any cybersecurity strategy, as it helps you stay one step ahead of potential attackers.  

Here are some steps you can take when creating your incident response plan:  

Identify Risks  

The first step is identifying potential risks affecting your system and creating a plan to address them. This includes assessing the likelihood of a breach and understanding the potential impact.  

Establish Responsibilities  

Next, you must establish who is responsible for responding to a security incident. This includes assigning roles and responsibilities, such as who will be responsible for data collection, network monitoring, etc.  

Document Procedures  

Documenting response procedures will keep everyone on the same page when responding to a security incident. Your procedures should include steps for investigating and mitigating the incident and communication protocols for informing affected individuals or stakeholders.  

Train Employees On Incident Response  

In addition to documenting procedures, your employees must be trained in cybersecurity protocols and any necessary response processes related to your incident response plan. Regularly training employees on these topics will ensure they’re prepared to handle any security incidents that may arise.  


In conclusion, mastering cybersecurity fundamentals is essential to becoming a successful cybersecurity professional. Furthermore, Prudent can help you identify and address threats more efficiently, as they allow you to monitor, analyze, and secure applications and networks using cloud security monitoring and managed services. With these cybersecurity expert services, you will be well-equipped to navigate the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape. 

Contact us for a Discovery Call! 

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