How To Overcome AI (Artificial Intelligence) & ML (Machine Learning) Challenges with Agile Approaches  

According to the ‘Art of AI Maturity’ research report presented by Accenture, 12% of organizations surveyed deploy AI maturely, generating exceptional growth and business transformation. 63% of AI-enabled businesses are simply scratching the surface.  

While AI may deliver enormous benefits to Enterprise businesses in multiple industry sectors, the technology’s potential is far from being realized. While various issues might hinder the progress of your Enterprise AI adoption, businesses will encounter four significant hurdles. Recognizing these problems can assist firms in developing a road map and AI initiatives. These are the differences between understanding artificial intelligence and reaping its advantages or simply dabbling with a technological novelty.  

Enabling AI-Driven Business Culture  

Organizations that thrive in Machine Learning and solving real-world business challenges with Artificial Intelligence will have a strong innovation culture at all levels. Many businesses are currently experimenting with Artificial Intelligence in some form or another. Teams of data scientists or data engineers lead the path ahead in these firms by generating Machine Learning models that assist the company. Yet, these teams are frequently isolated and construct models on an ad-hoc basis, almost artisanal, detached from the decision-makers, compartmentalized, and need more assistance from C-suite executives or other departments.  

Businesses that begin Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives as an experiment and pitch them to their organization fail more frequently than those that receive initial production approval. The company’s top decision-makers should provide advice to data teams as they develop machine-learning models to handle these real-world business issues.  

Data scientists frequently conflict with the “conventional ways of doing things” when working in businesses without a strong AI culture. Executives may not support Blackbox AI projects as they fail to comprehend how the Machine Learning models generated the findings.  

The language and technological barriers are broken while support and understanding are created by skilling all employees, from CEOs to IT (Information Technology), marketing, sales, and office staff. Collaboration of data scientists with other teams renders fruitful results.  

Shifting from Experimental AI Projects to Production  

Organizations struggle for several reasons to transition experimental AI projects into production. Most company issues relate to the weak AI culture that causes significant issues.  

For instance, CEOs often lack a basic understanding of artificial intelligence’s capabilities. For instance, machine learning models can affect a company’s bottom line through AI solutions that optimize the marketing budget through marketing mix modeling or models that help reduce customer turnover. This is especially true in the current economic situation and the impending recession. However, for several reasons, such as a lack of data, some prediction issues might not be amenable to a solution.  

Also, managers must know how machine learning models function and how long it takes to create a model.   

Substantial amounts of raw data must be sorted through, and data scientists must then decide which data to use, consult with experts, train their models, and benchmark the outcomes. Imagine executives trying to solve a business issue with a deadline, such as forecasting the effects of a recession in the coming three months. In that instance, they must consider the time constraints of creating AI models. The lengthy procedures can be frustrating and frequently make it challenging to complete experimental AI projects.  

Technically, as experimental initiatives only use a portion of larger data sets, they never reach the production stage. A portion of the data may allow an experimental model to perform well. However, the other variables exist when it goes operational and uses real-time inputs, and the model may drift, fail, or collapse. The fact that data science code is first written in Python, a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language, presents another challenge for operationalizing models. It can take a lot of time and effort to transform machine-learning code into a form that can be used in production systems.  

Investing in Data Environments, Talent, & Technology  

As machine learning and artificial intelligence have gained popularity, more businesses that provide these services have emerged. Platforms for machine learning automation are popular because they have the potential to speed up and improve the work done by data scientists.  

The following are the four main advantages of modern AI solutions: pattern discovery, data pipeline construction, feature validation, and business insight discovery. Data engineering and data science teams can quickly transition from relational enterprise data that is raw and unstructured to the flat tables that machine learning requires, thanks to new tools that facilitate the detection of patterns in data (features). The capacity to feed feature stores with the latest machine learning-ready features that can be applied to as many use cases as feasible to accelerate development time is called building data pipelines for ML.  

By validating features for machine learning to determine how “useful” a feature could be for any model, data scientists can also minimize development time and deliver better models using previously verified features. Significantly, innovative solutions can help to uncover business insights. Machine learning crunches vast amounts of data, but although not all may be meaningful, these modern technologies may detect patterns in data and apply them even outside of the field of machine learning.  

While new AI technology might speed up and enhance operations, it also poses business challenges. Transparency is one of these. An organization may create a complicated model to anticipate sales and demand or manage inventories, but it may need to comprehend how it works thoroughly. It is a problem for a variety of reasons. How can we trust the outcomes or suggestions if we do not understand how the models work?  

Another area for improvement with automatically identified features is that businesses may mistakenly feel they can replace their experts and investments in ML technology. AI automation solutions are designed for data scientists rather than replacing them. With these technologies, data scientists may become more efficient and eliminate many of the hassles that hinder development processes, completing tasks that previously took months in less time.  

Transparency and Responsible AI  

The term “Responsible AI” has become a buzzword, with corporations such as Google marketing phrases such as “AI that does not hurt” and Microsoft referring to their cloud as a “cloud for global good.” Yet there is more to these slogans than what meets the eye.  

Leading AI firms consider how they will utilize their machine learning models and what data they will use from the beginning of the project. There are many ways in which a machine model might be harmful. It can underperform and have a detrimental influence on an organization, or it can be coded without considering the unexpected repercussions of its use.  

A credit score firm, for example, that is constructing a machine learning model to provide clients with a credit rating in seconds must determine what data is ethical to utilize. While gender, color, zip code, or other data might affect a credit score, influencing whether a customer is approved for credit, data scientists must consider whether utilizing such data is ethical.  

Machine learning models and artificial intelligence (AI) lack fundamental ideas such as “responsibility” and “ethics,” and they can discriminate and be biased. There are ethical considerations that come with designing and utilizing machine learning models. Transparency is crucial in guaranteeing the ethical usage of ML models. It is critical for everyone in the firm, not just data scientists, to understand how an algorithm works and what data is used during the process.  

Transparency is lacking when a machine-learning model can handle complicated issues. Still, humans need help to grasp how the algorithm arrives at conclusions or makes predictions and what data it utilizes. These so-called “black box” artificial intelligence models can be troublesome. Artificial intelligence development platforms must enable feature transparency and traceability. The first pertains to people who did not create the model’s capacity to grasp how it arrived at its predictions. On the other hand, traceability refers to developers’ ability to “track” the data items utilized in specific predictions and attributes associated with any given model.  

Yes, Machine learning can be a powerful tool for organizations to gain insights and make informed decisions. Still, it is essential to use it responsibly and transparently. There are several key challenges that organizations face when implementing machine learning, including:  

Enabling AI-driven business culture: It is essential to ensure that machine learning initiatives align with the organization’s overall business strategy and goals. This requires leadership buy-in, support for AI projects, and a culture of experimentation and innovation.  

Shifting from experimental AI projects to production: Many organizations need help to move beyond small-scale AI experiments and prototypes to deploy machine learning models at scale. This requires investment in infrastructure, data management, and deployment pipelines to ensure that AI models can be deployed and monitored in production environments.  

Investing in Data Environments, Talent, & Technology: Machine learning requires specialized talent and infrastructure to be effective. Organizations must support building teams with the right skill sets and acquiring and maintaining the technology and data environments necessary for machine learning.  

Embracing the concept of responsible AI: As machine learning becomes more pervasive, it is essential to ensure that it is used responsibly and ethically. This requires organizations to consider the potential impacts of AI on society, including bias, privacy, and accountability.  

By addressing these challenges, organizations can build a solid foundation for successful machine learning initiatives that drive business value while being responsible and transparent. Read the full blog for more AI & ML-related information.  

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